Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random Post

Hello world I haven't blogged in about a week now I been so busy trying to adjust to this college life that i forgot all about blogging. It crossed my mind a few times but i was always doing something else at the time. But I'm really starting to like college its very laid back and not so stressful like high school well at least that's what I think. High school there was always some type of pressure whether it was preparing for the graduation test or simply preparing for a regular class assessment the teachers seemed to stress more. But in college your basically on your own you can take in the knowledge your professor is trying to do or you can just ignore it that's up to you. My suggestion would be to listen and contain as much information as possible cause what they are telling you is only for your benefit. College is what you make it so your experience may not be the same as others. Anyway as I said in the title this was just a random post so if i switched subjects you know why. Thanks for reading...Two fingers up and im out:)

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